Battlefield V News – Denuvo DRM’s Latest Version 5.2 Cracked, Could Spell Trouble for Battlefield V

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Denuvo’s latest 5.2 version of its Anti-Tamper DRM protection has been blown wide open, this time by a new hacking group known as FCKDRM. They’ve borrowed the branding from GOG’s new anti-DRM initiative, turning their hands to the business of cracking games.
There are currently just two games that support Denuvo 5.2 – Football Manager 2019 and The Quiet Man. The latter is, by all accounts, pretty damn awful and thus unlikely to be cracked, while Football Manager 2019 has been cracked within a week of its launch.
As we head into a busy few weeks, this probably comes as worrying news to AAA publishers. Battlefield V, Hitman 2 and Just Cause 4 are all going to be using Denuvo, and the likelihood is they’ll be using the latest 5.2 version of Denuvo unless an update can be rolled out pronto. The older, version 4.9 edition of Denuvo Anti-Tamper has yet to be cracked, so we may even see Denuvo roll back to a previous version.
Depending on whether crackers deem it worthwhile to put in the legwork, we could end up in a truly odd scenario whereby Battlefield V is cracked up to 11 days before its official November 20th launch date. BF5 is available 11 days before launch for those who sign up to the Origin Access Premier subscription service, providing ample time for hackers to get to work before the game’s full launch on November 20th.
That’s the risk EA takes when it makes its games available much earlier for EA Access subscribers so it should certainly be something to keep an eye on. The multiplayer element will be pretty much redundant, but if the single-player War Stories are decent then Battlefield 5 could become a target.
The never-ending battle continues then, this time with a new player in the shape FCKDRM. GOG seems to have inspired a whole new level of anti-DRM sentiment…
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